Tłumacz semaforowy, alfabet semaforowy, słownik semaforowy
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   / Polski Alfabet Migowy / Alfabet Braille'a / Alfabet semaforowy i znaki

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Tłumacz semaforowy,
   Alfabet, Słownik semaforowy

Semaphore Ready.svg
Przerwa / Gotowy
Semaphore Numeric.svg
Semaphore Error.svg
Semaphore Cancel.svg
Semaphore Alpha.svg
A / 1
Semaphore Bravo.svg
B / 2
Semaphore Charlie.svg
C / 3 / Potwierdzenie
Semaphore Delta.svg
D / 4
Semaphore Echo.svg
E / 5
Semaphore Foxtrot.svg
F / 6
Semaphore Golf.svg
G / 7
Semaphore Hotel.svg
H / 8
Semaphore India.svg
I / 9
Semaphore Juliet.svg
J / Litery
Semaphore Kilo.svg
K / 0
Semaphore Lima.svg
Semaphore Mike.svg
Semaphore November.svg
Semaphore Oscar.svg
Semaphore Papa.svg
Semaphore Quebec.svg
Semaphore Romeo.svg
Semaphore Sierra.svg
Semaphore Tango.svg
Semaphore Uniform.svg
Semaphore Victor.svg
Semaphore Whiskey.svg
Semaphore X-ray.svg
Semaphore Yankee.svg
Semaphore Zulu.svg
Źródło: Wikipedia

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Autor wpisu: wanda, dodano: 2012-03-14

Autor wpisu: Alicja, dodano: 2012-03-11
Dobrze tłumaczy, choć jak to bywa z automatami trzeba na ludzki to przełożyć. :)

Autor wpisu: Adam, dodano: 2012-03-10

Autor wpisu: Ewa, dodano: 2012-03-09

Autor wpisu: Dagmara, dodano: 2012-03-08

Autor wpisu: JUAzwlGgIAyDUW, dodano: 2012-03-08
Liz is not just ANY page turner. Liz is the Heifetz, the Pavarotti, the veritable Yo-Yo Ma of page turners. She is the kind of page turned who, if I was completely fumbling a difficult passage, would suddenly have an uncontrollable puking fit so as to draw attention away from my screwup. She also knows exactly how many pieces of sushi you might need at intermission. At least that's my experience; your mileage may vary One last bit of clothing advice for page turners: No dangly loose jackets. I once played a whole violin recital with silk caressing my left cheek at every turn. I'm not saying I didn't enjoy it, but it was kind of distracting.

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Autor wpisu: VhRMeqmxpnZHoIJTFR, dodano: 2012-03-08
Once upon a time, I turned pages for Jamie when he performed the Kreutzer Sonata at a studio class. This was before I played it myself, so I was unfamiliar with the theme & variations movement. There's one particular variation which is 2 straight pages of 16th notes, and 2 repeats. I made the mistake of glancing away from the page for a second, and discovered to my horror when I looked back that I couldn't remember a) where we were, and b) whether we had done the repeats. I ended up half-standing & hovering for what seemed like an eternity, with Jamie kindly giving me subtle no shakes and finally a clear yes nod.Then there was the time that I turned for a friend playing in a vocal recital @ Scotiafest. He asked me at the last minute as a favour, so I accepted, forgetting that I was battling the remnants of a nasty cough. There's nothing like being on stage and NOT BEING ALLOWED TO COUGH that will make you want to cough up a lung. I managed to get through the entire thing without once coughing during a piece, but then had a friend in the audience comment on the odd expression on my face at various times.

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Autor wpisu: Marcin, dodano: 2012-03-06
Dzięki za ten tłumacz. Super sprawa. Polecam

Autor wpisu: damski, dodano: 2012-03-03
gówno ten tłumacz

Autor wpisu: ewelina, dodano: 2012-03-03

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